Platinum Sponsors NorskogPLATINUM SPONSOR EGGERPLATINUM SPONSOR CAIA – Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst AssociationPLATINUM SPONSOR CollectiveCrunchPLATINUM SPONSOR CollectiveCrunch Bureau Veritas PolskaPLATINUM SPONSOR SCAPLATINUM SPONSOR TimbeterPLATINUM SPONSOR Gold Sponsors US Forest CapitalGOLD SPONSOR MASON, BRUCE & GIRARD, INC.GOLD SPONSOR Southern Forest Resource Assessment ConsortiumGOLD SPONSOR D&D Larix, LLCGOLD SPONSOR Talking ForestsGOLD SPONSOR Margules GroomeGOLD SPONSOR World Forest Investment Inc.GOLD SPONSOR preqinGOLD SPONSOR TrimbleGOLD SPONSOR Forest2MarketGOLD SPONSOR Silver Sponsors IHS MARKITSILVER SPONSOR Forest MonitorSILVER SPONSOR Partners NC State UniversityPARTNER The University of Georgia’s Center for Forest BusinessPARTNER SCIONPARTNER Washington State UniversityPARTNER Przemysl DrzewnyPARTNER NMBUPARTNER